Wondering Minds
~weekly posts~

Hi, My Name Is Victoria & Welcome To My Created Space For Poetry: This Is Where I Am From
I am from the grand machine which travels through the air,
From chewy Morning Starr and creamy Almond Breeze.
I am from the north, the south, the east and from the west.
A home of beauty, mystery, depression, that all steeped in together yet never fully drowned.
I am from the sweet sharp scented rose,
the delicate wooden edelweiss from the mountain’s tippie tops.
I am from the family gatherings with songs of sweet praise and communion with Emmanuel each day during the cycles of many a moons.
From Doña Margarita Cabrera y Doña Delia Casillas
I’m from the warm, loving embraces and dinners set for many.
From “success founded through biblical wisdom,” and “limits unseen and untold”
I’m from the Three Angels’ Message and salvation through faith, which in turn gives me hope
I’m from los conquistadores, los taínos y los Incas; los tres
Papa de huancaina which burned its way down and Chocolate de Abuelita for those cold wintery nights
From the old young lady struggling to survive without a glance of a penny and
a little girl left behind without a mother nor a father
I am from the sacrifices made throughout countless generations,
From the struggles that should've broken lives but instead built them strong
From the influenced choices of the white rather than the red
From the hand of God that created every cell, every gene, and every single molecule
This Is Where I Am From